

I'm working on a clients home and I put a few boards together for them to see and this is one idea.

We still have a lot of work to do to get things together for presentation, but I will keep you posted with the progress.

We are using wood floors that looks like this.


This is the family room right after they moved in. 
My clients will only be in this home for about 3 to 5 years.
 I'm keeping that in mind as I'm designing their home. 

Its helpful to see the furniture come together in a space and to be able to try different plans.
 That way the client has a vision of what your ideas are.



My Style

If I could wear a pair of jeans every day, I would....

I guess you could say I'm a jean girl! 

I like to live in comfort....

If I had to pick one style to describe myself,
it would be "casual but sophisticated"....


At times I want my home to reflect a "casual, but sophisticated" style,
neutral colors...
simple lines, with a creative flare.

a bit sexy, but natural



but fun... 

Its important to surrounded yourself with balance....
....Love this look...



I do love a little lace...there's those jeans again!


and Linen

A palette of blues will always make my heart skip a beat.

And you gotta love a pair of boy friend jeans!

As long as I can remember I have loved blue and white china...


But, once in awhile a girl needs to be spoiled....

and feel like this!

What is your style? 


Fashion source on our Pinterest boards, Decor images 1st and 2nd: ebanister.com, 3rd: Spanish Moss blog, 4th:Our Pinterest Boards, 5th: Our Pinterest Boards, 6th: Our Pinterest Boards    


A Romantic Day

Sometimes its the simple things that are romantic..

Maybe a little wild or risky?

Or chocolate by a fire....


Black pumps and pearls...

Playing footsies....

Cuddling on a cold day..... 

If you could plan a romantic day, what would it be

Source.... La Bonnie, Looks Like White, Pretty Stuff.


Simple Elegance

Briggs Edward Solomon

I'm always attracted to a style I call "simple elegance"....
It is a creative space that makes a statement with simple objects. 

Briggs Edwards Solomon

Not everyone has an endless budget for their home....

wouldn't that be fun though....OK back to talking....   
Most designers have to be creative with the budget their working with.

 Simple but elegant can be incorporated into any budget.

Gregorius Pineo

Gregorius Pineo

The details that are added to a room is what sets it apart... 

Briggs Edward Solomon

Simple, but elegant ....

 The beautiful, warm colored rug makes this room come alive..... 

Briggs Edwards Solomon

What can I say......Love! 

Briggs Edwards Soloman

Briggs Edwards Soloman



Axel Vervoordtv

Briggs Edwards Soloman

A custom built home with beautiful wood details sometimes dictates the style of decor that will be used.

Briggs Edwards Soloman

Gregorius Pineo

Adding nature and greenery helps it become alive.

Gregorius Pineo

The gray hues enhance the dark details.

Briggs Edwards Soloman

Briggs Edwards soloman

The dark and lights play on each other to create a well balanced room...

Briggs Edwards Soloman

Briggs Edwards Soloman

Look at the fun door!

Briggs Edwards Soloman

Black, white and natural wood....
Simple Elegance!

Briggs Edwards Solomon
             Can you live with simple elegance?



Milieu Magazine ...Pam Pierce

I'm very excited about the new magazine Milieu.....

I'm sure you have heard about it by now....

Full size photos, with great quality and the brilliant one behind this wonderful magazine is....
Pam Pierce!


  You know its going to be wonderful with Pam Pierce being the creator...

she is brilliantly artistic and creative.


I haven't ordered it yet.... but I'm going to.
Have you?


To order Milieu go here 
Cote De Texas has a great post on it also.
Hope you have a great weekend....lets talk....