
Happy Easter




And a gift of peace

source....Provence Blog, La Bonnie Tumbler, 
This is Thyme Tumbler


My Dream Home

  Cindy from Rough Lux Perspective blog asked me and several other bloggers to create our dream home and write a post on it...
 Let me tell you....
this has been a challenge...
I thought it would be so easy...but it wasn't!

 I started to gather ideas as if I were going to build a home.....
but I couldn't find my dream ideas all in one picture. 

I would build my home in Southern California....I couldn't think of anywhere else that I would want to live.... I can't leave the kids and my grand baby.....so here I stay...

I would have a gorgeous garden with beautiful flowers.... 

Of course there would be roses growing over the carriage house or my guest house or shoot.. both....
you might as well dream big if your going to dream....


The furniture would be neutral and I would have to have some antique pieces... 

I would want to have a wood ceiling like this and a chandelier hanging from the room above the coffee table.....
In fact this room has good bones..


The blue and white jars are a must!  

A little bit of blue would be scattered around the room...


This is a little traditional for me but I love the colors.....
so imagine these colors....
 but in the first image.


My dining room would have this wall paper and be casual like the image below...
a little bit of this and a little bit of that....

I love this kitchen with all the light flooding the room... 

This is our kitchen table and chairs


or this one....
I would love to have a banquette...


Now this is a family room!
I would love to have the raw beams with the painted wood... 

and this is my other family room...you might as well have two....


I would have these great Ralph Lauren lamps...

My bedroom would be painted this silver blue.....relaxing and pretty... 

I would want this tub looking over the pacific ocean.....so nice!

and it would have to have some marble...

So this would be my office.....I would die to have an office like this....look at all the cubbies for fabric samples....to dream for!

So pretty...a perfect place to have barbecues and a gathering...

Of course my back yard would be done in blue and white.....this picture is perfect....
I wouldn't change a thing....


I also would want these doors and windows.....
This is getting a little addicting.....
I have to come down to earth now...and wake up to the real world.....
back to my little adobe that I have been very blessed to have....
but a girl can dream once in awhile....Huh?

Please check out the other bloggers here and take a look at their dream homes....

 Rough Luxe Perspective
Splenderosa blog

Linen and Lavender
Collage of life 
Roses anRoses
  The Polished Pebble.Blog

Thanks Cindy for asking me to be apart of this dream home series....  

Source...in order, A Girl and Pearls Tumbler, Lucy Williams Blog, Fresh as a Daisy Tumbler, All The Kings Horses and Men Tumbler, Schafer Architecture, Neirman Weeks, James Howard,Whitney Fairchilds, Cote De Texas Blog, Traditional Home- Joseph Minton,Lucy Luby Ryan, Lucy Luby Ryan, Steven Gambrel, Jackie Lanham, Borick and Co,Tracery Interiors, Mark Sikes, Ralph Lauren, Source unknown , Michael Smith, Interiors Blog, Bunny Williams, Interiors Dec, Mary McDonald, Mark Sikes


Fabric up date.....

I've been so crazy busy with life these days....
Sometimes it feels like I'm on a merry  go round....
Do you ever feel that way?

 I have been working on a few projects and wanted to show you some fabric samples that I put together.... 
The blue and white grouping is for a bedroom that I'm working on. 

You should see my living room....all of these fabrics are spread out all over...

Thank God my hubby is easy going....



This grouping is for a clients living room. 
The floral will be for drapes. 
I love this combo and it came together so easy....


I have been working on this grouping and just can't get the feel I want....
I showed you fabric for this family room on the last post.
 I just can't find the right fabric.....
She wants to use grays, creams and orange....
I found tons of gorgeous fabric in grays and mustard's...
but this combo has been tough... 

I have all the furniture picked out...its these silly pillows that are giving me a pain in the you know what.
The kitchen is gutted and their starting to put the new cabinets in.
 I will show you pictures next week....
I'm leaving for a couple of days so I won't be posting until next week.....
I will be posting with a group of bloggers on our dream home...

Have a great week.....


Robert Allen fabric and New Blue Jars....

Remember that ratty chair I bought at an estate sale.....
Well, I finally got it reupholstered and painted.
I know...... its about time! 
Its been so long you probably don't remember it.


It brought some life into my dinning room... it added the depth and drama it needed.


The fabric is from Robert Allen. 

This is the before look.... notice the pumpkins!

I also found some new antique jars.  The one in the back is my newest one.


And the one on the right is the other new one...
I love it! 

I'm still looking for one more to replace the larger one...
its OK, but its just a cheap one that I found at a local store and I love the vintage jars....

 I'm looking for fabric for pillows and drapery for a clients family room.....

I just got these in the mail....boy, sometimes the fabric looks so different online...

I ordered them through Duralee fabrics.

I'm still going to look for more fabric...

 I'm not quite satisfied with what I have.


This is the same fabric but in another color.
What do you think about this color combo?

 One of the linens will go on the sofa and the chair fabric sample is on order.  We started demo on the kitchen...I will get some pictures next week to show you.....Have a great weekend...



Over Grouted Stone and Old Barn Wood

Love this....
 Maybe I'm just crazy, but I'm ready to find an old fence and tear it down....
I would love to put this in one of my clients dinning room.
 I haven't done any research on where to buy used or weathered wood, but if anyone knows where to buy this in Southern California please let me know.....
This was designed buy Jeff Jeffers....he used it in his Napa Valley home..

Designed by Bernard DE Clerck,wood from Corvelyn

Jeffers also used this style of wood in his bathroom in his Napa Valley home. 

Bernard De Clerck, wood and stone from Corvelyn

This is a new kitchen that used a stone to create a collected look that resembles an old European kitchen.....
 If you want to see a glimpse of this home check it out on Cote De Texas.blogspot

Cote De Texas blog and Chateau Dominique.

Designed by Sandra Tarruella

Rik Storms Ancient building supplies used 200 year old pine barn-wood from old Swiss sheds for this floor

Pam Pierce...
You gotta love this stone!

Designed by Kevin Harris and Annelee Primos...

It's tempting...any old fences around?


Chateau Dominique...

Calligan Abraham Architectures.

What do you think about the look of over grouted stone?

Brook from Velvet and Linen is building her new home in Ojai California... and using an over grouted style on her fireplace. 

So what do you think....Do you like the over grouted look and the old barn wood look as much as I do
Keep your eyes out for neighbors replacing their fence....
Can't ya see it....


I'm just all talk..... don't worry.... I'm not going to be taking anyone's fence....

I'm the biggest chicken ever...and honest!