
Old Mission and Lisa Jackson

 I took these photos of a mission in Santa Babara last weekend...

I was drawn to the beauty and simplicity of it....

Even though it was built in the seventeen hundreds, the design style felt relevant for today.. 

Designer, Lisa Jackson's style reminded me of the simplicity of the old missions...

The white plaster walls and natural raw doors were beautiful.... 

Simple forms can be interesting and make a statement! 

Simple things can become art... 

The feel of this room looks like it could be a modern version of one of Santa Barbara's missions.....
Simple, natural, lines...
It just needs the old tile pavers ... 


Rooms and Gardens

My hubby and I took a drive up the coast to Santa Barbara on Sunday... 

 It was gorgeous and we had a wonderful time..

We stopped and had lunch at a cute cafe that my husband stops at when he goes biking in S.B. ....

 We also visited Rooms and Gardens...

One of my favorite stores..... 

I love the style of this store....
it has a casual laid back feel...
They use a lot of natural woods, black and wicker pieces.

I'm a sucker for American flags..

They displayed wicker trays of all sizes....
and used shells and coral as art objects..

 I love blue and white ginger jars...
 which most of you know by now!

I'm going to cover a couple of my lamp shades with fabric like this one...
Its pretty easy...
the hard part is finding the time! 

How do you like my images?

I'm learning how to use a new camera... 
They're a little dark and I need a bit more practice...

My hubby gave me some clues on how to hold the camera still so when I push the shutter button it is nice and sharp....

OK, I know that sounds a little blonde...
but my pictures were so blurry......

He told me to hold my arm (that was holding the camera) next to my side almost as if my elbow was being held up by my waist....pull the camera to my eye and press the shutter slowly...

and it worked...try it!


Jaipur Rugs

When I first saw this room by designer....

 Windsor Smith....

 I fell in looove with the rug.....
the colors are beautiful...


what am I talking about....

the room is gorgeous!

I'm not sure if this is the same rug... but this one is by Jaipur...

it has the same feel...

I would love to see these rugs in person...

they look so pretty... 

I always like to bring a rug home or have a sample of the rug and try it in my home.... 

rugs can be a little tricky......
it might not look the same as it it did in the store... 

The lighting in your own home can be different than the stores... 
 it could affect the color and look completely different when you get it home...

A lot of companys will loan you the rug or let you buy it and return it the next day....

I have also been able to get samples from company's...

Another good idea is to bring your fabrics with you and place them on the rug so you can see if the tones are the same....

Thanks for stopping by, 


Displaying Black and White Plates..

I found these beautiful antique plates at an estate sale....

  The black and gray colors pool together looking like soft water colors...

I fell in love with them....
aren't they gorgeous?

Tobi Tobin..photo by Karyn R Millet

Wouldn't they look great in a black and white kitchen

Tobi Tobin...photo Karyn R millet

or a bedroom with black and white wallpaper......
like this bedroom.....
ooh la la... 
that would look great!

Kelly Mcguill

Do you like plates displayed on walls?


Kishani Perera

Now to find a place to display them.....