
Fall and Pink Pagoda Blue Bash

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven....

The lyrics from the song by the Birds, Turn, Turn Turn, are taken almost verbatim from the Book of Ecclesiastes, as found in the book of the Bible.

Did you realize that?

It was written by Pete Seeger in the late 1950s.

The only part that wasn't taken from the Bible was Turn, Turn, Turn...

But with every changing season I always think of that song by the birds...

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted..


I always think of Fall as a time of pause...

getting us ready for Winter and the holidays! 

But I'm looking forward to soups and stews.....

and all the goodies that go with Fall...

pumpkin bread, apple pie...YUM

The home of Tess and Hans Nelman reminded me of Fall...

Its sophisticated and cozy and has a warm feeling... 

Don't you love that Zebra rug?

(EAB design Blog)

What are your favorite things about Fall? 

Warm fires to snuggle by...kids going back to school?

(Inspiration Lane Tumbler) 

I'm looking forward to the beauty of Fall....

The beautiful colors and how nature gives us a feeling of a natural sequence that we might not understand....

There is a balance within the change of seasons...


lets get real....

a great pair of jeans and a pair of comfy boots!


The song goes like this....

Turn, Turn, Turn
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Check out Pink Pagoda Blog and follow her blue bash party....We joined in....here



Sneak Peek and One Room Challenge....

I can't wait to show you this family room Ive been working on.... 

 Were almost done....Yippy!

This is when it gets fun....

Watching it come together and putting in the little details.....

This was the kitchen....

it was such a mess!

The cabinets are now white with  marble accents... 

We bought the Restoration Hardware bookshelves....

and no... they haven't been styled yet! 

The flooring is a whitewashed wood floor...

This is the gray sofa and the pillows are custom...

The  chairs are so cute......

The pillow fabric is perfect with the chair.. .... 

I will show you the coffee table later after we style the room  for Photos.. 

We're waiting for a side-table and then we'll buy accessories....
That's the fun part!
I'll show you professional photos as soon as it's done....

Also, I can't wait for the one room challenge over at Calling it Home  Blog....

A group of bloggers will redesign a room in 6 weeks...

Linda is opening it up for other bloggers...

So.... if you want to participate go on over to her blog and find out the scoop!


Plates and a Bit Eclectic

Do you remember those black and white plates I found? 
 Well, I found a spot in my kitchen for them...
Not the best place for taking pictures... 

so many of you wanted to see where I was going to hang them....


 I had friends over for dinner and bought these pretty Sun flowers and put them in one of my jars......


I was going through my files and found this picture of my dinning room table all spiffed up for a dinner party....

I know this picture is a little out of left field...

It was taken last year in October...

I also found this image of my blue and white pot with hydrangeas...

One of my favorite flowers...

Who knows when it was taken...

It could of been last summer...
Like I said...

This post is a little bit eclectic... 


Wild Thing

This is my dog Sway...


Wild Thing!

(Courtney Giles)

Friday night she decided to take a walk....
or should I say...

she escaped, took off...

Did I mention... all by herself! 

We didn't realize she was gone for at least an hour!  

By that time it was 7:00 at night... 

Dan Carithers

We were panicked,

 Where in the heck did she go! 

We were so scared...we were afraid she would be eaten by coyotes.

 We can here them at night attacking their prey....

So you can imagine what we were thinking! 

Barclay Butera

We drove all over the place looking for her and calling her name...

 She was no where to be found!

The next morning we handed out flyers, went to two shelters....and still no sway!


We thought for sure she was gone..

(Art and Design)

We even searched through the list of deceased dogs at the shelter. 

And finally...

We got a call around 8:00 Saturday night.... 

(Style me Pretty)

Thank God a neighbor found her...

( Indigo Crossing Tumblr)

Oh my gosh...

We were so lucky to get her back...

Like I said...

she is a wild thing!


Good By Summer

 Pinterest board

I always have a  hard time saying good-by to Summer.... 
its my favorite time of year! 

I'm going to miss barbecues and summer  gatherings.... 

Summer clothes and cute little shoes 

(House Beautiful)

Pretty flowers and bright colors  

Our Pinterest Board..

Warm weather and flip flops

but I wont miss this!

 Good bye Summer and hello Fall...