
Happy New year...

I've never made new year resolutions...
I'm sure its because I would never keep them...

But i
f I did make a resolution...

I would try to delight in the little things...

Even the trials ...

Appreciate the beauty in life..

And celebrate every day!
Have a wonderful New years...
Now is that asking to much?
What are your resolutions for 2015?


Lets Celebrate!

I hope you have a wonderful celebration centered around family and friends....
For our house we celebrate the birth of Christ...
We wish you happiness and a fruitful new year...
We hope that the new year will bring peace and prosperity to you and your family!
I'm going to be taking a break until after Christmas...
Peace be with you and enjoy!


Christmas Lodge

My designer friend Shelly,  decorates her house  with a lodge feel for Christmas...

Her house is beautiful and my pictures don't do it justice. 

She takes her art work down and puts up Charlie the deer and her cute dog pictures...

I'm not sure if she has given him a name or not, but  I've given him a new name and Charlie it is!

It's very warm and charming.

She adds fresh garland, flowers and plants to her home for Christmas....

I love her tree ....
She added gold and silver ornaments to it.
I always call these the Charlie Brown trees...

You can see the pretty ornaments hanging from her tree...

A close up of her antique pine cabinet...

I keep telling everyone that pine furniture is going to come back in style...

Which it is getting harder and harder to find.

She brought her custom patio table in from outside and it looks charming!

My husband and I are going to her house for a Christmas party...

I'll take pictures and show you....

By the way, not only is she a talented designer, but shes a gourmet cook...

Please join us at Savy Southern Style Blog Link Up!


Christmas Decor

This is such a busy time of year and I still haven't had a chance to finish my Christmas decor or shopping...I've been looking on Pinterest at Christmas decor and there are so many beautiful pictures and ideas.  I still love this image from Veranda 2012 .... I haven't seen any Christmas decor pictures that I like better than this.

This was my home a couple of years ago...the last time I really decorated for Christmas...

Pam Pierce...
who has a flair for Christmas decor.

My Home..T.G.

I loved how Cindy decorated her house for Christmas... She just threw it together and of course it looks beautiful! 
Check out her Blog Rough Luxe Lifestyle.


Pam Pierce....
Simple but elegant!


My Christmas

I woke up bright and early this morning and finished my table....just the table!

The rest of the house is waiting to be done!
 I have to tell you a little secret about myself....

I'm a little cheap when it comes to holiday decor...

I would rather spend the money on something else in my home that will be on display all year round...

I also like fresh garland and flowers...
I'm not a big fan on fake things, even though I do use some ...

I think its a throw back from the 70's....
Aah natural...

In those days even hairy legs and arm pits were the thing!

A friend just told me that people are dying their arm pit hairs pink and blue and going natural...

I'm not sure how I got into this topic....but here's my Christmas this year!

I added a little blue and white so the fabric on my chairs matched..

My daughter and I fell in love with these critters and I thought this year it would be fun for the grand babies...

Now to finish the rest of the house before Christmas...


Art and The Pink Pagoda

(Adrian Brisco)

I hope your Thanksgiving was nice...

I think it was the best tasting Thanksgiving dinner my daughter and I have made. 

Everything was organic and every recipe was new to us...

We cooked for two days and I'm so glad my daughter helped me...

Other wise, I would probably still be cooking!


I've been shopping for art work for a client and found these images of art being the center of attention...all of them I found interesting and artistic..

I love these pictures and would love to have all of them for my own home...

(Adrian Brisco)

Pictures leaning against a side table in this image looks very arty!

I love these pictures of the sea 

(House and Garden)

Black and white drawings surround the portrait in the middle.... This is a great way to fill a wall but have the one painting be the center of attention.

House Beautiful

(House and Garden)

(House Beautiful)

Don't forget to check out the Pink Pagoda Blue and White Linking Party here..


Christmas Glitzs

I was at the Agoura Antique mall a couple of weeks ago and I took these pictures to show you...

The owner of the store, Maria, always decorates the entry all up in glitz's for Christmas and this year was no exception...

Can you believe its this time of year again....buying gifts, decorating and cooking....

Christmas should be fun this year...
Our oldest granddaughter is now two and she gets excited to open gifts......
I'm hoping to decorate my house this weekend, but I'm not sure how I'm going to do it......
 We have an artificial tree and I would love to get a real tree this year...I've always loved flocked trees. 

I love how Maria filled silver containers with ornaments and feathers...

I loved this little bamboo number and I wanted it so bad...but I couldn't figure out where to put it...

So who is done buying all their gifts for the holidays?

Thanks for stopping by and
have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Holiday Cards

Have I mentioned that my daughter Sarah is a graphic designer? 
She designed my logo and stationary for my business and blog. 
She is very talented and her design company is called January designs.  

              Every year around this time she designs                a collection of Holiday Cards for her friend       and past clients. 
        This year she used vintage ephemera and                  botanical prints as her inspiration. 

She is an avid collector of all things vintage, especially paper related things.

 You can see more of her cards and on her Etsy shop here where she sells them. 

The card above is my favorite. 
I love the pattern in the background.

She used a needle and thread to create the design above.
 I love the Art Deco feel!

Her photographer friends, Kelli and Brooke, gave Sarah these images to use on her cards.

Along with doing commercial work, she also is a collage artist. 

Her and her husband love the ocean and both surf.....
 so most of her collage work reflects her love of the sea.

Most of her collages are made from vintage ephemera, some as early as the 1920's!

She also sells her collage work on Etsy.

You can see more of her work on her website here!