
We have been Tagged!

 (Charles Faudree)

We have been tagged! 

Jessie from  Mix and Chic tagged us.  If you haven't been to her blog, check it out. She has a fun contemporary style and always has something new. Jessie has some questions for us to answer, so here we go! 

( David Phoenix)
The rules of this tag game are,  there are always rules to a game. Just like the childhood game tag your it. Get it? Ok, that means we are going to tag someone else. We have noticed that everyone is being tagged.
 Please accept our tag!


You must post the rules.

Answer the 11 questions the tagger posted for you and create 
11 new ones. 

Tag 11 people and link them to your post.

Let them know they have been tagged.

(  Mary Mcdonald)

What room is our favorite to decorate? 

We love to do it all, but if we had to choose we love to design living rooms and dinning rooms. We love all the fabrics that can be used, curtains, sofas, chairs, and pillows.

(  Sig Berman, Elli Decor)

What trend do you love?

 We both love paisleys and the mix of patterns.

( Designed by Shannon Bower, Sorry it is so small, blogspot would not work with us!)

( Mary McDonald)

Julie loves all the blue and white and Danni loves all the industrial feel. 

( Mark Sikes)

Our biggest pet peeve? 

 Hands down it has to be budget! Boy, what we could do with no budget! Our other pet peeve is all the gray! We do love  gray, but it can get a little boring. That is why we love this image designed by Pam Pierce. She added pops of color with the grayed out furniture. It makes it so interesting. 

( Pam Pierce)

The average time it takes us to create a post? 

 At least an hour or two. Sometimes more. All the social media can be a challenge for designers.

( Betty Lou Phillips)

What we have learned from blogging and gained?

   We have learned how generous people are with information. There are so many wonderful and kind people in the blogging community. We have been invited to lunch and to visit people all over the country. We have gained so much from meeting so many interesting and kind people.

(  Westbrook Interiors)

Who do we most admire in the blogging world?

 That is a hard one to answer. There are so many! Some we admire because they are kind, creative, making a difference. There are too many to list.

(  Jackye Lanham)

The coolest thing or opportunity that has happened to you because of blogging?

 That is a tough one because we haven't been doing this that long. We are amazed that anyone comes to visit us.We feel very blessed that we have any comments at all. One other thing that was exciting, our name was given to Kravets marketing dept. to sit on a panel at the design center in L.A.. We did not get it, but we were honored just to have our name mentioned. .

( Jeffers Design, photo Cesar Rubio)

Who are our favorite designers and why?

  Why! Shoot, We guess it all has to do with creativity and balance.
We love Mary McDonald,  Jeffers design group, Pam Pierce, Charles Faudree, Betty Lou Phillips, Katheryn Ireland, Jackye Lanham, David Phoenix, Pam Pierce.

Kemble Interiors

( Steven Gambrel)

A little unknown fact about us?

 OMG, I guess we would have to say, we are very private. Blogging does not come natural to us. We really have to try hard and it takes us time to think about what we post. We are always amazed at how other bloggers find so many beautiful images and can freely share their lives. We are trying and it is getting a little easier the longer we blog.

( Tory Birch)

What do you hope your blog will achieve in the long run?

 Another really hard question! Can you tell we have a hard time with personal questions. We wish we were more like Tina from Enchanted Home. She can answer anything and writing comes so easy for her. Well any whooo, We wanted a place to share our work and share our style. We hope it will give our clients and friends an opportunity to know us and see the things we love. 

 Our Kravets Rep Cheryl, encouraged us to start this blog. We call her our Kravets cheerleader. Rah Rah, go girls!  She is the most positive person we know. 
Thanks Cheryl!

 The blogs we are going to tag are.

 Home Bunch
 Allumer Decor
Chic Coles
 Design Chic 
Ragland Hill Social

Verdigrie Vie
 VT Interiors
 Design Manifest
  House and Home Defined
 Acquired Objects

 The 11 questions are...

Who are your favorite designers
 Favorite room to decorate 
What trend do you love 
Your biggest pet peeve in design
 What have you learned or gained from blogging
 How long have you been blogging 
What exciting things or opportunities have happened to you because of blogging. 
What do you hope to achieve from blogging. 
How long does it take you to do a post
A little unknown fact about you
 What do you hope your blog will achieve in the long run

Don't forget to post the rules!

Thanks Julie and Danni


  1. Great getting to know a little more about thee both of you, private as you may be! Such amazing pictures - The Sig Berman space is very interesting and I love the Tory Birch room!

  2. So nice to know more about you both. It is hard to let down the curtain and put yourself out there, but keeping the talk about design is what draws me back to blogs again and again. I like some personality in a blog, but you don't have to get completely open when you center it on design. Visiting the Kravet showroom here in Houston when they were having their social media panels really encouraged me to put more time into my blog and fb. I love how they provide great opportunity for learning and discussion. Great post, girls!

  3. I an about to go on a pinning spree! Such beautiful rooms, and loved the answers to the questions. It would be great to work without a budget. Dream job!!!
    Have a happy Sunday.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love this! I am sooo honored about what you said about me, boy that made my day!! But trust me it is not always that easy...though I am a very expressive person and find my best voice through my writing. Like you though I am very private (sometimes even questioned and judged by some) but we all need to do what makes us comfortable. And thats the beauty of having our own blog, it is our platform to express ourselves however we feel comfortable doing it......
    I so enjoyed this...agree with all your favorite designers, and what an honor to have had your name submitted to Kravet. I can understand why! I laughed out loud at the 'budget issue"....wouldn't decorating be so amazing without one EVER? The things we would do!!
    Wonderful post...and gorgeous images!

  6. I'm so glad I saw your beautiful pictures on Pintrest because it allowed me to read your blog! I loved your answers and love the fact that you desire to keep your blog growing. It is a difficult task but it sure makes it fun for the readers and for me as a shop owner, I don't get to get out much! I get so many inspirations from other designers blogs. I will definitely be following now and look forward to seeing your beautiful design work!
    Carolyn Bradford

  7. loved getting to know the personal side of you better, what insight to the incredible design team i love following.
    congrats with the kravet consideration. love watching you soar!

  8. Thanks for the tag Julie and Danni - you know how we love your blog! I must say that we so agree on being able to freely share our lives - baby steps for us too, but we have loved the people we have gotten to know and would be so excited to meet everyone in person!!

  9. Always so much fun getting to know about other bloggers. I share a lot on my blog but personal stuff doesn't really come out you just really have to decide what your are willing to share I guess. Probably why I can't blog everyday like some. Thanks so much for the tag and I'll try to answer sometime this week.

    I hope you both are enjoying your Sunday!

  10. Julie and Dannie, you guys are the best. Every single image in this post is fabulous. Love al the same designers but Pam Pierce is my absolute favorite. I did similar red varnish doors on a track in my house. Loved learning more about you. xO, mona

  11. Thanks for playing along, Julie and Dannie. I love reading your answers and getting to know more about you girls. Beautiful images as well, love the image with the barn doors and the Tory Birch room.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!


  12. I love mixing patterns too! xo

  13. Oh, sweeties! You're guys are the best!

    First of all, I loved reading and getting to know you better. So much inspiration and honesty.

    Also, I want to thank you so much for "tagging" me! So fun!

    I'll be sending you an email shortly, ok?


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com

  14. I am so happy to come over for a visit today and to find that you have also been tagged! It has been fun and I so enjoyed your post! I was put out to find that I was not actually following your blog and have set it straight now! Also, thank you for your recent visits to my blog and the lovely comments!

    Tassels Twigs and Tasteuds

  15. Hi, it´s been really nice to know more about both of you! and I can´t wait to see the end result of the project you are working on!


  16. I loved hearing more about to two of you. You have such a beautiful blog and its nice to '"see" a bit of the authors behind it. Thank you for including me as well . . . it will be fun to put together my "tag" post!

  17. I loved reading your answers! Blogging doesn't come naturally to me either, so I totally identified with that too. Also loved the questions you two are passing on!

  18. I really enjoyed reading this post and learning a bit more about the two of you. I'm a very private person as well, and I'm hesitant to openly share too much of my personal life. After all, it is the Internet... we don't know who may be reading our blogs.
    Have a lovely evening, ladies!
    ~ Wendi ~

  19. Julie and Danni, I am so glad you stopped by - your blog is wonderful and I loved getting to know you more through your answers. Wihoo to Kravet - that is huge! Blogging does not come that easy to me either! I want my posts to be somewhat meaningful so I only post 2-3 times a week. It frees my mind a bit.

    I will pay attention to you. I love your taste and your positive attitude!

    ox, Mon

  20. i just posted my "tag post"!
    hope you like it! . . . thanks again for choosing me!

  21. I love this! So nice to learn more about both of you! And beautiful spaces, too! xo

  22. You both are soooo delightful! And what beautiful images you posted too.. Thank you so much for sharing and tagging me. Like you gals, I struggle with how much of the personal stuff to put out there, so I get a little blog shy when I get tagged. But I am going to get my courage on!

    x/o Vie

  23. Oh my goodness what we could do without a budget! These are outstanding images of great designers!
    Best to you for a great weekend!


  24. Gm J&D! thank you so much for stopping by my blog today!!Love getting to know you two a little better through this tag game. I love your design aesthetics, especially when it comes to BLUE!!! Good luck with all your future endeavors, I know you both will do great. What a fun and exciting future you have to look forward too!! Have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend. I am going bedding shopping today, fingers crossed I find what I need and want, xo Kathysue

  25. Hi Ladies. Nice to get to know you! Your images are perfect with your answers! Blogging is not easy and finding the extra time to do it is hard. So I applaud you for such a great blog. Thanks for tagging me, too. Have a great weekend.

  26. Loved the post, love blogs, and Pinterest is to die for! Just one small peeve if you don't mind. When you said "tag your it?" It should be '..you're it.' Sorry, but I'm always telling my children this. It's not to offend - but it is noticeable. Penelope
