
A Wonderful Day in Montecito and Summerland

I  drove up the coast to Summerland and Montecito to do a little antiquing with my friend, Shelly.

 We had a blast!

 We had a special treat and visited a beautiful Houston designer who gave us a tour of her newly renovated home in Montecito...

It was gorgeous....Yes, just pinch me!

I will share with you in a later post who this delightful, talented designer is......

 I know I am being a little bit of a brat! 

In  Montecito we visited William Laman Home, Garden and Antiques. They had great pieces and they were artistically displayed.
Simple, but elegant.

 I loved this light blue cabinet and the bamboo style chair. 

 They had sea grass carpet through out the store with white wood on the walls. 

 How can you go wrong!

 One of our favorite styles. 

One of our favorite stores to visit in Summerland is the  Rue De Lillie Antiques. 
We have shown you images from their store before, here.

They always have creative displays. 



Its always fun to get away with friends and have a special day. Learning to balance family, friends, clients and life is always a challenge. 
We finished up with a few projects and are taking some time to get our own homes in order.
 Boy, that is always a challenge for me.
 I have so many ideas and not enough time to implement them.
 Does that happen to you? 
I wish there were two of me. One of me would tell the other one what to do!

 Danni is taking a little break and spending time with family. She is having fun living near her daughter. She has been able to have dinners with them and she appreciates that time. Going through a divorce, family is what has helped her through this passage of her life.
She is still  unpacking boxes and getting settled in.
 She will be back soon......
We would love to here from you!

 Thanks for visiting, Julie and Danni


Pretty in Pink...

Its a girl!

 Bet you never guessed! 

We had a baby shower on Saturday for my daughter in-law and
  of course it was all in pink!

 What else, with a little girl on the way! 

We are so excited for this little girl to come into the world.
Can not wait!
 OK, so we are big time excited...

We used mix and match vintage dishes.
 Have you noticed how pretty vintage dishes look together?
 No matter how many different patterns are put together they look beautiful. 

We pulled together vintage table clothes and used milk
 glass china with pink flowers as center pieces. 

We also used some Ralph Lauren table clothes.

A pink vintage dresser was used for the gifts.

Did you notice the cute little piggy bear sitting on top of the dresser? That was my sons first piggy bear.......

Ya, I know it is pink!

When I bought it it had a vest and black shoes.

 I am not sure what happened to them, but some how along the way they were miss placed....Hum, they were probably thrown away.

My daughter Sarah, and her mother in- law Judy, made the paper flowers and decorated the tables.
They looked so pretty......

Sarah made this tent for the baby. 

 It will look so cute in her room. 

Didn't they do a wonderful job on the table decor?

Danni and  I had a great time.

 I don't know what I would of done with out Danni's help and friends. 
It was a beautiful day. 

 Drum roll please......
We just had our one year blogging anniversary. 
Can you believe it?
 One year.....
We have met so many wonderful and kind people.
We want to thank all of you for your support and friendship.
 We couldn't of done it with out you.
 Thanks again, Julie and Danni


1st Dibs!

Can you believe summer is almost over!?  We love this time of year and we really don't want it to end. We came across some beautiful houses for sale on 1st Dibs. They are located in Malibu.  Just for a minute..... pretend you have one more vacation.
Which home would you rent for a week?

House #1  $45,000,000

House #2....$18,250,000

House # 3....$11,750,000


House # 4...$43,000,000 

House # 5....$ 23,900,000

We have a busy weekend planned. We are having a baby shower for Julies daughter-in-law on Saturday! We are so excited to welcome the new edition to the family! The tables are going to be decorated with vintage table clothes and mix n match china from every thinkable era (sounds charming, right?) . And of course, every nook and cranny will be adorned with pink! Julies daughter, Sarah, and her mother-in-law are our partners in crime for this very special shindig!