
My Style

If I could wear a pair of jeans every day, I would....

I guess you could say I'm a jean girl! 

I like to live in comfort....

If I had to pick one style to describe myself,
it would be "casual but sophisticated"....


At times I want my home to reflect a "casual, but sophisticated" style,
neutral colors...
simple lines, with a creative flare.

a bit sexy, but natural



but fun... 

Its important to surrounded yourself with balance....
....Love this look...



I do love a little lace...there's those jeans again!


and Linen

A palette of blues will always make my heart skip a beat.

And you gotta love a pair of boy friend jeans!

As long as I can remember I have loved blue and white china...


But, once in awhile a girl needs to be spoiled....

and feel like this!

What is your style? 


Fashion source on our Pinterest boards, Decor images 1st and 2nd: ebanister.com, 3rd: Spanish Moss blog, 4th:Our Pinterest Boards, 5th: Our Pinterest Boards, 6th: Our Pinterest Boards    


  1. Loved this post! I totally agree with you on every point! I can never describe my style and I really want to be able to! I love a little bit of a lot of different things when it comes to clothes and my decorating style! But I WANT a style! LOL! Love jeans and truly could wear them every day as well! The other days I could live in my Lulu lemon pants! Beautiful pictures!

  2. I loved this post...I have a few outfits...black sweat pants green shirt...covered with paint and caulk...brown sweat pants black shirt covered with paint and caulk...I am NEARLY done..you have NO idea how much I miss looking like a girl

  3. Spoiled. From your pics, I'm spoiled. Love the leopard print belt & bracelet. Got similar bracelets on my website, at slightly lower prices that Hermes. :)'s
    Gotta say I'm definitely not a jeans girl, definitely prefer a pretty trouser anytime.

  4. this was so fun! very clever post ladies! I love jeans as well. I think they are like the lbd dress up dress down they
    will take you almost anywhere you want to go.

  5. What a fun post, ladies! My style is denim and pearls, leather and lace, black and white, blue jeans and stilettos... I guess I'm a little bit classy and a little bit rock and roll!

  6. yummmmm. definitely feminine with edge for me. messy beach hair, feminine tops, sexy jeans, black leather jacket, heels.

    gorgeous eyecandy today!


  7. Clean lines and comfort and you've pretty much hit it on the head with this post...LOVE IT!


  8. I love my jeans but dressed up with heels, ruffles, pretty accessories, statement jewelry, scarf, a little leopard....pretty much everything you described!

  9. Jeans always have my heart--I even wear them with clients. I guess I did the business wear for too many years. Zusching up jeans is my fav. Love this post! So many pretty, feminine details--lovely!

  10. Such a beautiful post.
    Every single image is fabulous, and most I haven't seen.
    I could live in jeans, and I am loving neutrals more each day.
    Happy Tuesday.

  11. you and I definitely have a similar design aesthetic! I love a good pair of jeans and the perfect accessory--I feel like shopping!

  12. This is the BEST matchup of clothes to decor that I've ever seen! I was totally captivated - you nailed it!

  13. We're all about our jeans with something a bit more elegant and fitted on top and our homes reflect that style, too. Nothing like a bit of gold added!
    C + C

  14. I am very casual too. I like a pair of skinny jeans w/ boots and a warm cowl neck sweater or scarf in the winter. In the summer, a cute scarf, flip flops, and a rolled up gingham blouse or pretty white top would be my favorite look. The older i get, the more important comfort is to me. xo

  15. What a beautiful post! I could pin the entire thing! Well, I just might :D
    And hey... you guys made me laugh with your "unknown" comment! I'm glad you let me know it was you. I am having trouble with the comments ... hope that was not me making you unknown. xo Sherri

  16. Love this! And love your style!! I am most comfortable in casual but chic clothes but every now and then enjoy getting dolled up. I love natural fabrics like linens and cottons and a have a thing against any fabrics that aren't natural.........give me a chunky cashmere sweater, a great scarf, flattering pants or jeans, and a great pair of riding boots and I am one happy girl!

  17. Love this post and your style selections are amazing! I can and do wear jeans most days. It just feels right!


  18. Love your style! What a great idea for a post...what would we do without jeans? !!

  19. My style varies depending on my mood! I'd say I'm mostly casual. I don't mind dressing up every once in a while-just like I don't mind having a few "formal" rooms in my house. It makes me feel like a grown up :)

  20. my style mirrors exactly yours so you can only imagine how much i adored this post.......you have left me thinking of major updates


  21. A girl after my own heart! I love a boho- jean look with feminine touches! Love that image of Elle! I just saw a great combo outfit with jeans in People Style watch Mag, pg 276..a great mix of global and jeans! Love this post!!
    xo Karolyn
    The Relished Roost
    New follower!

  22. Not a thing here I wouldn't call "my style"...particularly the blue jeans...my absolute go to...Miss you girls! XO, Mona

  23. I think you and I must be twins! I could have written the exact same post :) so fun!!

  24. Thank you for such a great post. "Casual but sophisticated" is what so many of us are looking for - in dress and in design. There's nothing like slipping into a great pair of blue jeans or opening the door at the end of and getting that feeling that says 'welcome home.'

  25. Julie, love love this post and your style is somewhat in sync with my own. This is weird I have not received the last two post in my emails, Huh? I got todays post and that is why I am perusing your blog, I did not get the other post,
    xo Kathysue


One Kings Lanes

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